Item Coversheet

Agenda Item No: 1.



January 19, 2021 


Mayor and City Council, Fairfield Housing Authority Chair and Commissioners


Stefan T. Chatwin, City Manager / Executive Director


Resolution 2021-01 of the City Council of the City of Fairfield Authorizing the Transfer of Exempt Surplus Land Owned by the City and Located on Woolner Avenue (APNs: 0028-280-210 and 0028-280-300) to the Fairfield Housing Authority, Finding that Such Authorization is Exempt from the California Environmental Act, and Taking Related Actions;

and Resolution HA2021-01 of the Fairfield Housing Authority Authorizing the Acceptance of Exempt Surplus Land from the City which is Located on Woolner Avenue (APNs: 0028-280-210 and 0028-280-300), Finding that Such Authorization is Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, and Taking Related Actions

Adopt resolutions.
The proposed resolutions authorize the transfer of exempt surplus land owned by the City of Fairfield (the “City”) and located on Woolner Avenue (APNs: 0028-280-210 and 0028-280-300) (the “Property”) to the Fairfield Housing Authority (“FHA”) and authorizes the acceptance of the property by the FHA. 
The City owns property located on Woolner Avenue (“Property”), assessor parcel numbers 0028-028-210 and 0028-280-300. Under the Surplus Land Act, Government Code Sections 54220-54223 (“Act”), land that is not necessary for the City’s use shall be declared either surplus land or exempt surplus land. By its Resolution No. 2020-201, adopted on October 20, 2020, the City Council declared the Property to be exempt surplus land pursuant to Section 54221(f)(1)(D) of the Act because the City will transfer the Property to the FHA to promote and advance low- and moderate-income housing objectives, which benefits the City, the FHA, and the community.

The Act provides that the City may dispose of the Property without further regard to the requirements of the Act. However, on October 9, 2019, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) adopted guidelines for the Act. The guidelines state the City must provide HCD with its written findings supporting its declaration that the Property is exempt surplus land for HCD’s review at least 30 days prior to disposition. 

The guidelines also specify that the transfer of the Property to the FHA must be for the City’s use in order for the Property to be deemed exempt surplus land. The transfer of the Property will be for the City’s use, in that it assists the City in meeting its obligations under the Housing Element of its General Plan to provide affordable housing pursuant to its Regional Housing Needs Assessment allocation, and is consistent with the Legislature’s declaration of a housing shortage for persons and families of low- and moderate- income, and the declaration that housing is of vital importance to the health, safety, and welfare for every Californian pursuant to Government Code Section 54220(a).

The Fairfield Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed transfer for conformity with the City’s General Plan and found the proposed transfer in conformance.

Resolution No. 2020-201 reaffirms the City Council’s declaration that the Property is exempt surplus land, clarifies that the City is transferring the Property to the FHA for the City’s use, directs City staff to provide the required notification to HCD, and authorizes the transfer of the Property by the City to the FHA by a quitclaim deed after consultation with the City Attorney regarding compliance with the guidelines. In turn, the FHA will execute a Certificate of Acceptance. 

Environmental Review
The Resolution has been reviewed with respect to the applicability of the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) (“CEQA”). The Property is not located in an area of statewide, regional, or areawide concern identified in Section 15206(b)(4) of the State CEQA Guidelines, and thus the disposition of the Property is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15312 of the State CEQA Guidelines.

The appraised value of the Property is $0.00 and the Property will be conveyed to the FHA for no consideration.
The City Council could decide not to authorize the transfer of the Property to the FHA at this time.
Jesus M. Morales, Sr. Housing Project Manager
(707) 428-7426

City Attorney's Office
Proposed Resolution
Quitclaim Deed
Proposed Resolution FHA
Certificate of Acceptance
Jones, LaTannaApproved1/6/2021 - 3:09 PM
Gassaway, DavidApproved1/7/2021 - 1:06 PM
Alexander, AmberApproved1/7/2021 - 5:21 PM
Alexander, AmberApproved1/7/2021 - 5:21 PM