Item Coversheet

Agenda Item No: 21.



October 20, 2020 


Mayor and City Council


Stefan T. Chatwin, City Manager

SUBJECT:Resolution 2020-202 of the City Council of the City of Fairfield Approving a Multi-Party Agreement and Amendment to Purchase and Sale Agreements with The Bradley C. Rowland Family Trust, The Anderson Family Trust, The Cynthia Rowland Smith Family Trust, Hospitality Management, Inc., APRR Management, LLC., and North Texas Solano, LLC. for the Purchase and Sale of Properties Located at the Corner of North Texas Street and Manuel Campos Parkway in the City of Fairfield (APNs: 0167-110-220; 0167-110-140; And 0167-110-040) and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Same

Adopt resolution.
The City currently owns two vacant parcels of land at the corner of North Texas Street and Manuel Campos Parkway. Immediately adjacent to the City’s parcels is a vacant parcel owned by a collective of family trusts, herein referred to as Anderson. City and Anderson, separate and apart, entered into Purchase and Sale Agreements with a hospitality group (the “Developer”) to sell the properties for the development of a hotel and stand-alone restaurant.

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and corresponding recession, the Developer is currently unable to obtain the necessary financing to develop the hotel and restaurant projects. The City, Anderson, and Developer tentatively agree to a multi-party agreement that: 1) the City purchases Anderson’s parcel and includes it in the sale agreement to the Developer; 2) settles long-term site improvement cost agreements amongst the parties; and 3) provides the Developer up to two (2) years to close escrow and begin construction of the hotel and restaurant projects. Upon Council adoption of the attached resolution, the City Manager will be authorized to enter into all required agreements.

In 2010, the City completed a series of roadway improvements at the I-80 interchange corner of North Texas Street and Manuel Campos Parkway. The improvements created a teardrop shaped property slightly under 5 acres in size (the “Teardrop” site). The Teardrop site is attractive for commercial freeway serving uses. The City maintained ownership of approximately 2.43 acres while Anderson owns the remaining 0.55 acres where their former gas station was located.

During the overall roadway improvement project, Anderson, as a partner in North Texas Solano, LLC. (“NTS”), relocated and built a new Chevron gas station further south on the Teardrop site, leaving the 2.98 vacant acres. NTS’s development included on-site driveway improvements to be shared by the Chevron and future development on the City and Anderson parcels. To facilitate the overall project, Anderson, NTS, and the City entered into agreements that:

1. Required Anderson, NTS, and the future buyer (the City’s successor) to reimburse the City for off-site improvements made to drainage, landscaping, sidewalks, and curb and gutters fronting the entire site; and

2. Required Anderson and the City’s successor to reimburse NTS for on-site joint-use driveway, drive aisle, and intersection improvements.

The parties agreed that all reimbursements would be delayed until such time as the City was able to secure a desired development for the corner of the Teardrop (on the City and Anderson parcels).

In February 2020, the City and Anderson, separately, entered into Purchase and Sale agreements with Hospitality Management, Inc. and APRR Management, LLC (collectively the “Developer”) for the development of a hotel and restaurant. The original agreements provided Developer 150 days as a due diligence period to review site documents and secure financing to commence the project.

Beginning in March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic substantially impacted the US economy, with hospitality and restaurant businesses being some of the most negatively affected. As such, the Developer, during the initial due diligence period, was unable to obtain the financing necessary to close escrow and commence the project. Further, it is unlikely that any developer would be able to secure the financing to build the project as planned, as the financial markets for such projects are limited given the specific impacts of COVID-19.

Due to the likely long-term impact on the ability to finance the project, the Developer requested an extension of the due diligence period for two (2) years. In July 2020, the City, Anderson, and Developer agreed to an interim extension to their respective purchase and sale agreements to provide time to negotiate a long-term amendment to extend the Developer’s timeframe to commence the project.

Through negotiations since July, the parties have tentatively agreed to the Multi-Party Agreement and Amendment to Purchase and Sale Agreements (“Multi-Party Agreement”) that does the following:

• The City agrees to purchase Anderson’s parcel (APN 0167-110-040) for current appraised fair market value of $335,412, minus the $120,833.32 Anderson owed the City for off-site improvements ($99,862.25 improvements and $20,971.07 interest) - $214,578.68 total purchase price

• The City agrees to subsequently sell all three parcels (APNs: 0167-110-220; 0167-110-140; and 0167-110-040) to the Developer for fair market value, established not more than six (6) months prior to close of escrow

• The City agrees to pay NTS $151,199.15 owed for on-site improvements ($121,997.61 common area improvements and $29,201.54 non-common area improvements pursuant to the Reciprocal Easement Agreement, as amended)

• The Developer agrees to reimburse the City $350,901.64, at close of escrow, for all on-site and off-site improvement costs ($151,199.15 paid by City to NTS for on-site improvements and $199,702.49 due to City for off-site improvements)

• The City and Developer agree to amend the Purchase and Sale Agreement to provide Developer the option to extend for one year the ability to close escrow for a one-time price of $12,500, not applicable to the final closing cost for the property

• The Developer has an option to extend close of escrow a second year by both 1) placing an additional $25,000 on deposit, applicable to the final closing cost, and 2) by submitting for development review all documents required for full entitlement of the project by August 2021

The attached Resolution approves the Multi-Party Agreement and authorizes the City Manager to execute all documents necessary.

Execution of the Multi-Party Agreement results in a current total cost to the City of $365,777.83 for acquisition of the Anderson Parcel and payment of amounts due to NTS for on-site improvements. This amount is not currently budgeted and can be paid from the Intergovernmental Loan Fund (551-99-203).

Upon the Developer’s exercise of the option to extend the due diligence period for the initial one-year term, the City will collect $12,500 to defray costs of negotiating the Multi-Party Agreement and for costs associated holding the property for an additional year. These proceeds will be placed into the Intergovernmental Loan Fund (551-99-203).

If the Developer can finance the hotel and restaurant project within the eligible two (2) year extension period, the City will recoup all costs paid for all on and off-site improvements, and appraised fair market value of all property. Based on current appraised value of approximately $14 per square foot, the assumed value estimate for all property is $1.8 million, plus or minus any market fluctuation in value as appraised prior to closing. All proceeds will be placed into the Intergovernmental Loan Fund (551-990-203).
Community Safety
 Community Infrastructure Quality of Life
Financial and Operational Sustainability Economic Development Travis Air Force Base

City Council Goal this item supports: 
Economic Development

Not Applicable
The City Council can choose not to approve the transaction and terminate the purchase and sale agreement with the parties.
David Gassaway, Assistant City Manager
(707) 428-7398

City Attorney's Office
Proposed Resolution
Proposed Agreement
Gassaway, DavidApproved10/5/2020 - 8:16 PM
Alexander, AmberApproved10/7/2020 - 12:59 PM
Alexander, AmberApproved10/9/2020 - 12:43 PM