Item Coversheet

Agenda Item No: 18.



October 20, 2020 


Mayor and City Council


Stefan T. Chatwin, City Manager

SUBJECT:Resolution 2020-198 of the City Council of the City of Fairfield Authorizing the City Manager to Executed an Architectural Services Agreement between the City of Fairfield and Indigo Hammond + Playle Architects, LLP, for the City Council Chamber Americans with Disabilities Act Upgrades & Modernization Project and Updating the Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Budget

Adopt resolution.
Renovation of the City Council Chambers is approximately 60% complete, with construction scheduled for completion by the end of December 2020. Additional design support during construction and project closeout services are required from the architect of record, Indigo Hammond + Playle Architects, LLP (Indigo). Approval of the resolution authorizes an Architectural Services Agreement (Agreement) with Indigo to provide the required services and updates the fiscal year budget to provide for the increase in expenditures.
In March, construction started on the City Council Chamber Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Upgrades & Modernization Project (Project). The Project is intended to bring the building into compliance with State and Federal ADA regulations. The work is integral to resolving the findings from the 2016 Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (HUD) physical accessibility survey of the Council Chambers. While the Council Chambers is under construction, staff determined it was the perfect time to also coordinate efforts to modernize the communication, audio, and visual components of the facility. These improvements will meet the current and future functionality and operational needs of the Council Chamber. The construction contract is for a 10-month period.

On interior remodel and modernization projects, such as this one, staff anticipates unplanned, unforeseen issues that are realized during construction. This project is not unique in this regard, as it has experienced a few scenarios that have required technical guidance and design support from Indigo to resolve. Replacing the lighting in both the main chamber and the entry lobby have required more demolition of the ceiling than originally anticipated. Additional space was needed to replace lighting resulting in a significant amount of coordination and design effort to propose a repair solution that will look cohesive when completed. There were also some discrepancies in the installation of the new floor slope, landings, and layouts. Additional surveying and technical work was required to ensure the new floor would meet all ADA requirements.

On June 4, 2019, City Council authorized the execution of an Architectural Services Agreement with Indigo to perform the design development, construction documents, and construction administration services to bring the existing Council Chamber into ADA compliance. Indigo has expended the available contract amount for the Project and a new contract must be executed to continue technical design support services through the completion of the project. Additionally, the new contract includes out-of-scope work completed by Indigo during July, August, and September. Thus far, Indigo has helped to ensure the Project continues to meet the timeline to comply with HUD requirements for completion.

Due to the nature and complexity of this remodel and modernization project, there has been more effort and hours required during the construction administration phase than originally estimated. The proposed agreement includes the necessary review of product/equipment submittals, requests for information from the contractor, a final inspection, and the required close out procedures for the Project. The proposed agreement is on a time and materials basis and based on the average expenditures for these construction support services thus far.

Total authorization for these additional design services contract would be $147,770 ($134,366 + 10% management reserve). Funds from Construction License Tax (Fund 061) are to be transferred to the Public Buildings Capital Fund (Fund 254, Division and Responsibility Code 99325). Finance has confirmed that adequate reserves in Fund 061 exist and that no projects on the 10-year project horizon will be jeopardized by this additional expenditure.
Community Safety
 Community Infrastructure Quality of Life
Financial and Operational Sustainability Economic Development Travis Air Force Base

City Council Goal this item supports: 
Community Infrastructure

Not Applicable
#4A.19, ADA Upgrades to the City Council Chamber
The City Council may choose not to approve the contract. This is not recommended as the Project will not receive the necessary design support during construction, which may result in delays to reopening the Council Chamber to the public. Additionally, not completing the Project by the mandated HUD required deadline may limit the City’s ability to receive federal funding for various City sponsored programs and projects.
Caroline Vedder, Associate Civil Engineer
(707) 428-7484

Finance Department
Proposed Resolution
Proposed Professional Service Agreement
Panganiban, RyanApproved10/1/2020 - 8:21 PM
Kaushal, PaulApproved10/2/2020 - 11:38 AM
Alexander, AmberApproved10/5/2020 - 4:40 PM
Alexander, AmberApproved10/9/2020 - 1:01 PM