Item Coversheet

Agenda Item No: 16.



October 20, 2020 


Mayor and City Council


Stefan T. Chatwin, City Manager

SUBJECT:Resolution 2020-196 of the City Council of the City of Fairfield Declaring Its Intention to Annex Territory (Pittman Self-Storage) to a Community Facilities District and to Authorize the Levy of Special Taxes Therein, the City of Fairfield Community Facilities District No. 2012-2 (Public Safety Services, Open Space Operation and Park Maintenance) Annexation No. 48

Adopt resolution.
The attached resolution will begin the proceedings for the annexation of a project known as Pittman Self-Storage (the “Project”) into Community Facilities District 2012-2 (“CFD 2012-2”). The conditions of approval for this Project require it to annex into CFD 2012-2, which was established as an annexable district to provide funding to offset the increased cost for public safety services, open space operation, and park maintenance created by new development.
By Resolution No. 2012-233, the City Council established CFD 2012-2, a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District with the intention that future development within the City of Fairfield (the “City”) would annex into this district. The special taxes collected from the property owners within the district are used to fund public safety services, open space operation, and park maintenance in the Fairfield area.

The Project proposed for annexation is owned by MCG-Pittman, LLC and is located west of Pittman Road and north of Cordelia Road. Exhibit A depicts the annexation boundary to be within assessor’s parcel numbers 0044-050-350 and 0044-050-360. The Project includes the development of a self-storage facility.

Development of this property changes the characteristics of undeveloped land. Once developed, this project will have intensified the use of the property, creating a need for more services under this CFD.

As part of the annexation process, the City contracts with Willdan Financial Services for the preparation of the necessary resolutions and balloting procedures for the annexation. This process is a specialty service that the City has contracted out since 1995 on an individual consultant services basis for each development requiring annexation into a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District.

Adoption of the proposed Resolution of Intention is the first step to annex this development into CFD 2012-2. This will be the forty-eighth annexation into the district. The resolution also establishes December 1, 2020, as the public hearing date for the final consideration of the annexation of the property into CFD 2012-2. Once the annexation is complete, the property owner of the Project will be required to pay annual special taxes for CFD 2012-2, beginning in Fiscal Year 2021-2022, as itemized on their property tax bill in accordance with the rate set forth in the Rate and Method of Apportionment of Special Tax.

The CFD 2012-2 Rate and Method of Apportionment was established as part of the formation of the district and fixed Fiscal Year 2012-2013, as the base year for the annual special tax rate as shown in Exhibit B. Since the formation, assessments have increased based on a cost inflator allowed in the original formation documents. Exhibit C shows the current special tax rate for the district.

The estimated annual revenue received by the City for the CFD 2012-2 Fund (Fund 332) will be $4,091.80 for the Project which is based on the FY2020-2021 maximum special tax rate for a 163,672 square foot industrial development at the rate of $0.025 per net square foot. The CFD 2012-2 maximum special tax rates include an automatic annual CPI adjustment. The process for the annexation is funded by the developer and no General Fund monies are used for this effort.
Community Safety
 Community Infrastructure Quality of Life
Financial and Operational Sustainability Economic Development Travis Air Force Base

City Council Goal this item supports: 
Financial and Operational Sustainability

One-time item not recommended for including in the Workplan
If the City Council has any questions concerning the required annexation of this development, this item may be rescheduled until the next City Council meeting, so staff may provide the necessary backup. However, if the annexation is not approved, the conditions of approval for this development would not be fulfilled and the development process would cease.
Chris Lewis, Management Analyst
(707) 428-7089

Proposed Resolution
Exhibit A - Boundary Map
Exhibit B - Rate and Method of Apportionment of Special Tax
Exhibit C - Maximum Special Tax Rate
Panganiban, RyanApproved10/1/2020 - 8:21 PM
Kaushal, PaulApproved10/2/2020 - 11:32 AM
Alexander, AmberApproved10/5/2020 - 5:00 PM
Alexander, AmberApproved10/9/2020 - 1:04 PM