Item Coversheet

Agenda Item No: 10.



October 20, 2020 


Mayor and City Council


Stefan T. Chatwin, City Manager

SUBJECT:Resolution 2020-190 of the City Council of the City of Fairfield Amending the Departmental Position Control List in the Housing Services Department


Adopt resolution.


After an assessment of his staffing needs, the Director of Housing Services, is requesting approval from the City Council to change his department's position control list to ensure better service delivery for residents and other stakeholders in the community. 

The new director of the Housing Services Department analyzed the roles and functions in the department and concluded that some positions in the Housing Authority should be eliminated while others should be added to support the central operation of the entire department.

At the Housing Authority, has 3.75 Housing Specialist I/II positions, a Housing Specialist Lead and a Housing Services Tech I/II position budgeted.  Given the number of vouchers appropriated to the City of Fairfield, a modification of staff is appropriate to bring the department in line with best practices for administering the Housing Choice Voucher programs.  

Fairfield currently has 887 vouchers in its portfolio.  A Housing Specialist II should be able to handle a caseload of 300 to 400 households.  At the Housing Authority, two senior Housing Specialist handle a caseload of 325 households.  Two entry level Housing Specialist should be able to handle the remainder of the HCV caseload and Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) operation.  The increase in the voucher utilization rate with a staffing level commensurate with this approach further validates this approach.

Since the Housing Specialist Lead and the Housing Services Tech I/II positions are vacant, staff proposes to eliminate these two positions.  The Housing Services Tech position was previously responsible for completing the Housing Quality Standard inspections.Based on arrangements made with the Building Division in the Community Development Department, Building Inspectors will assume the Housing Quality Standard inspections.  On an average, HCV needs to have 150-200 inspections completed per month.  This would require an inspector to expend about 4 hours a day on HQS inspections.  Because many inspections are connected with annual certifications they can be scheduled weeks in advance.

At the Housing Services Department, staff recommends eliminating a Housing Finance Analyst position and replacing it with a Senior Management Analyst position.  Staff also recommends adding a full time Office Assistant I/II position to support the entire department.

The incumbent in the Housing Finance Analyst position, which staff is recommending to upgrade into a Senior Management Analyst position, was working mainly with the Community Development Block Grant Program.  The proposed Senior Management Analyst  will take on that function and support the director with high level research, planning, and program related tasks.   The Office Assistant I/II position will work in the Housing Services Department office at the front desk providing general office management functions. To ensure the department has excellent customer service, this position will also respond to calls at the Housing Services office and will be a back up to the general call-in line at the Housing Authority.  The Office Assistant I/II position will also support the Housing Finance Analyst and Senior Management Analyst positions on administrative tasks related to the CDBG, HOME, Cal Home and BEGIN programs.  This should allow the Senior Management Analyst additional time to provide support to the Housing Services Director.  The additions and deletions proposed in this agenda report will reduce staffing at the department by 0.75 FTEs.   


All changes are funded by 021-036-011. The proposal reduces the staff allocation by 0.75 positions and results in salary savings of approximately $67,754.80.   

Community Safety
 Community Infrastructure Quality of Life
Financial and Operational Sustainability Economic Development Travis Air Force Base

City Council Goal this item supports: 
Quality of Life

Priority Project:
#1A.28 Organization/Staffing/Deployment
This item was not shared with the public or an advisory body.

Council may decide not approve a resolution to amend the current departmental position control list.  If Council does not approve the proposed changes, service delivery of the Housing Services Department may not be as efficient and effective as possible.    


Farbod Pirouzmand, Director of Human Resources

(707) 428-7397



Community Development Department
Proposed Resolution
Pirouzmand, FarbodApproved10/13/2020 - 8:20 PM
Pirouzmand, FarbodApproved10/13/2020 - 8:20 PM
Pirouzmand, FarbodApproved10/13/2020 - 8:21 PM
Alexander, AmberApproved10/14/2020 - 12:19 PM
Alexander, AmberApproved10/14/2020 - 12:19 PM