Item Coversheet

Agenda Item No: 19.



October 20, 2020 


Mayor and City Council


Stefan T. Chatwin, City Manager

SUBJECT:Resolution 2020-199 of the City Council of the City of Fairfield of Local Support Authorizing the Filing of an Application for Funding Assigned to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and Committing Any Necessary Matching Funds and Stating the Assurance to Complete the Grange Middle School Safe Routes to School/East Tabor and Sunset Avenues Pavement Maintenance Project;

and Resolution 2020-200 of the City Council of the City of Fairfield Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Suburban Housing Incentive Pool Funding Agreement between the Solano Transportation Authority and the City of Fairfield

Adopt resolutions.
Approval of the two resolutions allow for the Grange Middle School Safe Routes to School/East Tabor and Sunset Avenues Pavement Maintenance Project (Project) to access $2.1 million in federal grant funding. The first resolution is a requirement of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to submit a Resolution of Local Support authorizing the filing of an application for funding, committing any necessary matching funds, and stating the assurance to complete the Project. The second authorizes execution of a funding agreement with the Solano Transportation Authority (STA).
The MTC has established the Suburban Housing Incentive Pool (SubHIP) to fund eligible transportation infrastructure which supports affordable housing projects in Priority Development Areas (PDA). The Train Station Specific Plan (TSSP) area located in the northeast area of the City is an MTC approved PDA. In April 2020, Meta Housing (Developer) submitted an application to construct a 190-unit affordable housing project within the TSSP area. The project is formally known as the One Lake Family Apartment project and is located adjacent to Vanden Road approximately 0.5-miles east of the Fairfield-Vacaville Hannigan Train Station (Train Station).

The STA, as the Congestion Management Agency in Solano County, partners with MTC to program SubHIP funding. On June 10, 2020, the STA Board approved the City to utilize $2.1 million in SubHIP funding to support the development of the One Lake Family Apartment project. The SubHIP funds will be used to construct a segment of Linear Park Trail adjacent to the One Lake Family Apartment project. The Linear Park Trail is a significant part of the overall infrastructure needed to support pedestrian and bicycle access throughout the developed area around the Train Station. Access to the federal grant funds is contingent on construction starting by June 30, 2023, on the One Lake Family Apartments.

Federal funding, such as SubHIP, requires projects to obtain environmental clearances and secure federal, state, and regional resource agency permits prior to commencing construction. This process can substantially impact the implementation schedule of a project. In an effort to avoid delays in the construction of the One Lake Family Apartment project, the City will commit $2.1 million in local funds from the City’s capital improvement program (CIP) annual pavement maintenance budget towards the construction of the Linear Park Trail. The pavement maintenance funds will be replenished with the $2.1 million of SubHIP, thus federalizing one year of the City’s pavement maintenance program.

The $2.1 million SubHIP funding will allow the City to expand the scope of work to the Grange Safe Routes to School Project and perform pavement maintenance along E. Tabor Avenue (between Dover Avenue and Clay Bank Road) and Sunset Avenue (between E. Tabor Avenue and Travis Boulevard). The SubHIP grant is programmed for fiscal years 2021/2022 and 2022/2023.

As a requirement to receive the SubHIP funding, staff is submitting an application to MTC for Regional Discretionary Funding in the amount of $2.1 million. As part of the application, MTC requires the Fairfield City Council to adopt a resolution committing to allocate local funds for any required improvements that are not eligible for grant funding.

The resolution shall demonstrate:
• That the City of Fairfield understands that the Regional Discretionary Funding is fixed at the programmed amount, and therefore any cost increase cannot be expected to be funded with additional Regional Discretionary Funding.
• That the Project will comply with the procedures, delivery milestones and funding deadlines specified in the Regional Project Funding Delivery Policy (MTC Resolution No. 3606, revised).
• Assurance of the City of Fairfield to complete the Project as described in the application, as included in MTC’s Federal Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
• That the Project will comply with all project-specific requirements as set forth in the Program.

Public Works staff is confident that the City will meet all the conditions required by MTC.

To complete receipt of the funding, the City of Fairfield is required to enter into a funding agreement with STA for the Project. Under the provisions of the Funding Agreement, SubHIP will fund approximately $2.1 million and the City is required to comply with the federal funding obligation to provide the standard 11.47% local match (approximately $240,870). The STA Board has approved the agreements, and the STA Executive Director has been authorized to sign the agreement once approved by the City.

The proposed action will affirm the City’s intention to apply $2.1 million in grant funding under MTC’s SubHIP program, which receives source funding from the Federal Surface Transportation Program, to the Grange Middle School Safe Routes to School/East Tabor and Sunset Avenues Pavement Maintenance Project. Funding for the required local match of 11.47% ($240,870) will be budgeted in the upcoming fiscal year 2021-2022 budget in the Streets Capital Fund (Fund 252, Division and Responsibility Code 99512) utilizing gas tax or Measure P funds.

For the future segment of Linear Park Trail, the proposed action obligates the City to construct $2.1 million of active transportation infrastructure improvements within the TSSP area. Funding for this work will be budgeted in the upcoming fiscal year 2021-2022 budget in the Parks Capital Fund (Fund 251) utilizing Northeast Fee.
Community Safety
 Community Infrastructure Quality of Life
Financial and Operational Sustainability Economic Development Travis Air Force Base

City Council Goal this item supports: 
Community Infrastructure

One-time item not recommended for including in the Workplan
If the City Council has any questions, the recommended action may be delayed so that staff can provide the necessary backup. Staff does not recommend this because this will delay the delivery of the Project.
Phil Layoso, Assistant Engineer
(707) 428-7505

Solano Transportation Authority and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Proposed Resolution - Local Support
Proposed Resolution - Funding Agreement
Proposed Funding Agreement
Panganiban, RyanApproved10/5/2020 - 12:45 PM
Kaushal, PaulApproved10/5/2020 - 1:17 PM
Alexander, AmberApproved10/5/2020 - 2:17 PM
Alexander, AmberApproved10/9/2020 - 1:09 PM