Item Coversheet

Agenda Item No: 15.



May 19, 2020 


Mayor and City Council


Stefan T. Chatwin, City Manager

SUBJECT:Resolution 2020-82 of the City Council of the City of Fairfield Appointing, Jointly with the City Manager, Walter Tibbet as Interim Chief of Police Pursuant to Government Code Sections 7522.56 and 21221(h)

Adopt resolution.
The current Police Chief will leave City employment on May 22, 2020.  The City of Fairfield needs an Interim Police Chief while recruitment efforts for a new permanent Police Chief are underway.  Staff is requesting Council appoint Walter B. Tibbet as the Interim Police Chief until a new permanent Police Chief is appointed.

Randy Fenn, the current Police Chief, is leaving City employment on May 22, 2020.  City staff is currently working with a recruitment firm to hire a new Police Chief by the end of the summer.  However, the Department needs an interim police chief to lead and manage the department until a new police chief is hired.  


Walter B. Tibbet has over 40 years of law enforcement experience.  He has had leadership positions in multiple jurisdictions and most recently, he served as Police Chief for the City of Fairfield from 2010 until his retirement in 2015.  


He has the requisite experience and knowledge to lead the Police Department during the search for a permanent replacement.  He will help With his leadership, he will help the Department to continue to be an effective law enforcement agency.  


State law specifies strict standards for the appointment of an interim Police Chief who is a CalPERS retired annuitant.  Specifically, a retired annuitant can be paid no more and no less than the specified range for the existing position, calculated on an hourly rate basis.  Further, a retired annuitant cannot receive any benefits, incentives, compensation in lieu of benefits, or any other forms of compensation in addition to the hourly rate. As a result, Mr. Tibbet will not be receiving the benefits typically provided to Police Chiefs.


Mr. Tibbet has agreed to a monthly salary of $20,619 per month, or $118.96 as an hourly rate, which is the current salary for the Police Chief position. Since he will not be receiving pension, health care benefits or any other benefits or form of compensation from the City, the total cost of compensation for Mr. Tibbet will be less than currently budgeted for the Police Chief position.


If adopted, Mr. Tibbet’s appointment will start on May 25, 2020 and continue until November 25, 2020 unless terminated earlier by the City Manager or Mr. Tibbet. There are no severance payments provided with this interim appointment.


Government Code Sections 7522.56(d) and 21221(h) address the temporary employment of retirees in accordance with CalPERS. These sections permit the City Council to appoint a CalPERS retiree to a vacant position requiring specialized skills during recruitment for a permanent appointment and provide that such appointment will not subject the retired person to reinstatement from retirement or loss of benefits so long as it is a single appointment that does not exceed 960 hours each fiscal year.


Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-25-20 to assist local jurisdictions with their response to the COVID-19 emergency by temporarily waiving the 960 hour limit for retired annuitants who are hired to help local jurisdictions during this crisis.  Mr. Tibbet's appointment as the City's Interim Police Chief will ensure continuity during the COVID-19 emergency.  Therefore, staff will work with the Interim Police Chief to make sure hours he spends working directly on the City's COVID-19 response are accounted for pursuant to Executive Order N-25-20.


There is no additional fiscal impact associated with the adoption of this resolution. Mr. Tibbet would be paid a base salary of $20,619 per month, or $118.96 as an hourly rate, which is the current salary for the Police Chief position.  He will not be entitled to any other benefits, vacation, or holidays pursuant to CalPERS regulations.

Community Safety
 Community Infrastructure Quality of Life
Financial and Operational Sustainability Economic Development Travis Air Force Base

City Council Goal this item supports: 
Not Applicable

Priority Project:
#1A.28 Organization/Staffing/Deployment
This action was not presented to the public or an advisory body for recommendations.  
Council may not authorize the appointment of Walter Tibbet as the Interim Police Chief.  Council may direct staff to find another candidate to be appointed as the Interim Police Chief while the recruitment effort for a new permanent Police Chief is underway. 

Farbod Pirouzmand, Director of Human Resources

(707) 428-7393


City Attorney's Office, City Manager's Office
Proposed Resolution
Pirouzmand, FarbodApproved5/12/2020 - 2:10 AM
Pirouzmand, FarbodApproved5/12/2020 - 2:11 AM
Pirouzmand, FarbodApproved5/12/2020 - 2:11 AM
Alexander, AmberApproved5/12/2020 - 11:02 AM
Alexander, AmberApproved5/12/2020 - 11:08 AM