Item Coversheet

Agenda Item No: 7.



May 19, 2020 


Mayor and City Council


Stefan T. Chatwin, City Manager

SUBJECT:Resolution 2020-66 of the City Council of the City of Fairfield Granting Preliminary Approval of Engineer's Report, Declaring Intention to Order Levy and Collection of Assessments, and Providing for Notice of A Hearing Thereon for Maintenance District No. 5 – Smith Ranch (Rancho Solano) (CONFLICT FOR VACCARO)

Adopt resolution.
The adoption of this resolution will grant preliminary approval of the fiscal year 2020-2021 Engineer’s Report for Maintenance District No. 5 – Smith Ranch (Rancho Solano) for the levy and collection of assessments, set the date for the public hearing, and provide for notice thereof.
The City formed this special district to provide a funding source for the maintenance of the landscaping and lighting improvements within the Rancho Solano development area. This district was formed under the State of California Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972.

The process of approving the annual assessment amounts is subject to the provisions of Proposition 218. This district has adopted assessment ranges and assessments may be adjusted as required within the specified range without requiring a Proposition 218 vote of the property owners. The preliminary approval of the engineer’s report is the first step in the process of levying the annual assessments. Final approval of the assessment requires a public hearing, which has been scheduled for the June 16, 2020 City Council meeting.

The individual annual assessment for Smith Ranch Maintenance District No. 5 – Smith Ranch (Rancho Solano) is proposed to increase from $418.00 to $540.00 per parcel for fiscal year 2020-2021. This proposed assessment is within the approved assessment range of $350.00-$557.30 per parcel, which is adjusted each year by the October Consumer Price Index (CPI). The total assessments collected from the property owners for the next fiscal year will be approximately $648,000.

The $122.00 per parcel increase is necessary to offset annual labor from the new maintenance contracts awarded in December 2019. Staff believes that the maintenance cost increases are a result of limited work force, and adjustments in the market demands for maintenance services. The term of the contract is 24-months with provisions that allow for extensions of the contract for three additional 24-month terms, upon mutual agreement of the City and Contractor. Over the next few years, staff anticipates the need to further increase annual assessments within the approved range and/or adjust the current service level.
The special projects for this district will include landscape renovation, tree replacement, and irrigation repair and maintenance.

The proposed revenue for this district includes assessments of $648,000, interest of $1,431 and a General Fund (Fund 011, Division and Responsibility 99000) contribution of $62,610 for a total of $712,041. The City’s General Fund contribution is made to cover the cost of the street landscaping and street lighting improvements along Mankas Boulevard and Rancho Solano Parkway, which have been determined to be a general benefit to City residents rather than a special benefit to the Rancho Solano residents. The City’s contributions are made in accordance with Resolution 91-213B and appear in the General Fund contribution line of the district’s budget.
Community Safety
 Community Infrastructure Quality of Life
Financial and Operational Sustainability Economic Development Travis Air Force Base

City Council Goal this item supports: 
Financial and Operational Sustainability

Routine item not recommended for inclusion in the Workplan
City staff met with the Residential Landscape Maintenance District Review Committee on April 30, 2020. The committee reviewed the proposed budgets and assessments for this district.
If City Council has any questions, this request may be delayed so that staff can provide the necessary backup. However, not approving this Resolution will prevent the City from collecting assessments for the 2020-2021 tax year.
Thomas Martian, Public Works Construction Manager
(707) 428-7478

City Attorney's Office, Residential Landscape Maintenance District Review Committee
Attachment 1: Proposed Resolution
Attachment 2: Exhibit A
Attachment 3: Supplement to the Engineer's Report
Attachment 4: Budget Summary
Panganiban, RyanApproved5/7/2020 - 8:36 PM
Kaushal, PaulApproved5/7/2020 - 8:41 PM
Alexander, AmberApproved5/8/2020 - 12:16 PM
Alexander, AmberApproved5/8/2020 - 6:38 PM