Item Coversheet

Agenda Item No: 13.



May 19, 2020 


Mayor and City Council


Stefan T. Chatwin, City Manager

SUBJECT:Community Spaces Initiative – Linear Park Trail Node 4A Update

Approve recommendation. 

Staff is seeking approval of their recommendation to proceed with design and construction of the original Linear Park Trail Revitalization Project - Node 4A (Project or Node 4A) active and passive elements as initially envisioned with a 5,000 SF recreation facility. The building will be oriented to accommodate future expansions.


In April 2019, Council requested staff explore the opportunity to relocate the City’s Police Athletic League (PAL) Program from the Sullivan Interagency Youth Services Facility, located at 2195 Union Avenue, to 2030 North Texas, the site identified as Node 4A within the Linear Park Trail Revitalization Project. Since that time, staff worked to redesign Node 4A to include a larger multipurpose facility that could house the PAL program and actively pursued $8.5M in state grant funding to construct the larger building footprint. The State recently notified the City of Fairfield that the Project was not selected for funding. Staff is seeking confirmation from City Council on how to progress the Node 4A design without the grant funds for the larger building.

The Community Spaces Initiative was adopted by City Council in their 2016 workplan, as a multi-year project focused on activating both Allan Witt Community Park and the Linear Park Trail for enjoyment by the community while reducing blight and crime. The timeline for this project was accelerated at their July 19, 2016 City Council meeting when Council approved City staff working with two design firms on these projects. Work with the design firms began in January of 2017. Park design plans and 5-year implementation plans were approved by City Council at their March 20, 2018 City Council Meeting.

Council authorized $11M in funding to facilitate the project’s design and construction with the FY2018/2019 budget cycle. Soon after, $1.7M in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding was secured to acquire the old bowling alley site located at 2030 North Texas Street. These CDBG funds came with the understanding that a recreation facility would be constructed on the site to benefit the entire community. An additional 9,400 SF of flexible programming space that could both serve the PAL program and offer additional recreational opportunities for the public at large was incorporated into the design after the April 16, 2019 Council Meeting.

On August 5, 2019 staff submitted a Proposition 68 Grant Application in the amount of $8.5M to expand the originally planned 5,000 SF Node 4A recreation facility to a larger multi-purpose recreation facility that would house community and Police Athletic League (PAL) programs. The City received notice in February 2020 that the project had not been selected for grant funding. In a debrief with the granting agency, the City was encouraged to apply again in future funding cycles. State staff also advised that constructing new park amenities (i.e. all-inclusive play area, sports fields, fitness course, basketball courts); would likely result in the grant application scoring higher than the City’s 2019 submittal, which focused on an expanded facility.

In order to avoid further delay activating this catalyst site, staff recommends proceeding with using the $11M already allocated for design and construction of the original Node 4A active and passive elements as initially envisioned with a 5,000 SF Recreation Facility. The building will be oriented to accommodate future expansions.

The Project has expended part of the approved budget to prepare a schematic design of an expanded multi-purpose recreation facility for the Prop 68 grant application. Therefore, staff anticipates a future contract amendment with the design firm (Callander and Associates) will be necessary to complete bid documents for a phase of construction. In addition to design contract adjustments, staff anticipates the need to scope and phase proposed project improvements to match the available budget at the time a construction contract is executed.

The estimated additional cost for this project will be developed once City Council direction has been provided. Funds for this work would come from AB1600 or other impact fees.
Community Safety
 Community Infrastructure Quality of Life
Financial and Operational Sustainability Economic Development Travis Air Force Base

City Council Goal this item supports: 
Quality of Life

Priority Project:
#3B.9 Community Spaces Initiatives
Staff is seeking council direction on the staff recommendation or is open to other options/scenarios that Council would like staff to explore and bring back for discussion.
Ann Mottola, Director of Parks & Recreation
(707) 428-7470

Fred Beiner, Park Planner
(707) 428-7431

Police Department
Panganiban, RyanRejected5/4/2020 - 7:57 PM
Panganiban, RyanApproved5/4/2020 - 8:12 PM
AnswererRejected5/5/2020 - 3:27 PM
Panganiban, RyanApproved5/5/2020 - 4:08 PM
AnswererApproved5/5/2020 - 4:36 PM
Kaushal, PaulApproved5/5/2020 - 5:41 PM
Alexander, AmberApproved5/7/2020 - 1:59 PM
Alexander, AmberApproved5/8/2020 - 6:37 PM